
Hard Times are guaranteed. I’ll say it again… Hard times are guaranteed. No need to panic or be on the defense. You will eventually learn subtle ways on building awareness. No matter how much you prepare for things… you just never know what cards will be dealt on the table. This is why life is so thrilling!  Get comfortable with expecting the unexpected (good & bad). This is how our elders became so poised. Years and years of experiences will do that to you. There is a lot of growth in hard times. Don’t let it break you (don’t give up)… Always approach things as an opportunity to learn. I’m aware it’s Easier said than done. Just take this Motivational Monday as a message for light being present at the end of every tunnel. Keep your head up and don’t stress about it.  Feel those emotions… Release those emotions… Nurse yourself back to health. Keep Going! I wish you well ✌🏾

“Learn to humble yourself, your life will become less stressful”