Stop Trolling

It’s time to get back to the vision/plan/dream/mission/objective. Clarity… what keeps you focused? Is it the naysayers? Is it legacy? Is it fear of failure? Is it monetary items? Nothing can be decided unless you KNOW WHAT YOU WANT. We have too many ppl out here, pursuing the same thought/idea and the window has been closed for quite a long time. We need to start being more honest with ourselves in order to pursue happiness. Clarity… why continue to hold on to things when the approach hasn’t changed? This is why you have the merry-go-round experience with everything. We are creatures of habit and if you can’t identify your own faults,  how can we really progress?
Example) I will have the career of my dreams someday. 10 yrs later… yeah! I’m pursuing that! I will get there one day (age 40+).

At this point,  the career should have been dumped and moved on by now, lol. All I’m saying is that ppl are trolls, Respectfully. We hold onto things way longer than we should with understandable reasoning sometimes 🙃. However, if we can’t get things right… we should proceed looking forward to something new. This is how we maintain happiness folks!!! Fixing our approach and knowing when the dynamics have shifted. Drop the BS and get your life. I’m tired of seeing ppl in the same shoes that I wore back when I met them in first grade (metaphor). Live life & Be well ✌🏾

“Treat life like a game & you will get played”